United Methodists Respond to Nepal Quake

The General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church, through its disaster-relief arm and in conjunction with longtime local and international partners and Nepal-based Global Ministries missionaries, is responding to the devastating earthquake that rocked Nepal April 25.

A grant of $90,000 for international partner GlobalMedic to bring sorely needed clean water to survivors through provision of household and public water-filtration units.


As events and needs continue to unfold in Nepal in the aftermath of the earthquake, you can help.

  • Pray for all who have been impacted by this emergency: for the people of Nepal, for Global Ministries and UMCOR partners at work on the ground there, and for Global Ministries’ five missionaries and their families assigned to serve there.
  • Do not self-deploy to the disaster area. The situation in Nepal remains one of search and rescue and not a time for volunteers.
  • Give to UMCOR International Disaster Response, Advance #982450. Your gifts to UMCOR International Disaster Response make it possible for UMCOR to respond quickly to emergency situations through our local and international partners.
  • Stay informed. Visit www.umcor.org and www.umcmission.org for updates and developments regarding Global Ministries’ and UMCOR’s response to and accompaniment of survivors.


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