There are several opportunities for Adults of all ages to get involved at First United Methodist Church of Gilbert. Opportunities vary from a great game of softball, sharing lunch with friends to many bible study options. There are tabs below to see an overview of options on our church campus right now. We welcome everyone to pick an activity that will not only be enjoyable but will provide scripture and conversation to help you on your faith journey.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. ~ Colossians 3:16
First United Methodist Church of Gilbert conducts several Adult Sunday School classes at 9:45 AM and at 11:00AM. Come and try each to find one that will encourage you to deepen your faith in God.
9:45 AM
Room 130
Join with others including members of the choir to deepen your faith. Starts just after the second service begins. So come to the first service, stop by the Activity Center to get your coffee and snacks and then head over to class. [/one_fourth]
Room 130
Join with Pastor Adriana and others as we
Join us for discussions generated by contemporary religious thinkers through video series and books.
Book Club meets the third Thursday of each month at 11:00 am. During the year this group meets in Room 130. During the summer, the location is determined among members each month so be sure to check the online Calendar or the Monthly Evangel. Bring your own sack lunch to eat during the conversation.
Books are chosen by the group and cover a wide range of interests. You do not need to read all the books, instead chose the one(s) you want to read and then attend that monthly meeting. This is a great way to meet people from the church who enjoy reading and discussing what they thought of the book.
For any questions, please email Judy Bristow, call or email the church office (480-892-9166) or use the following registration form:
This Women’s Bible Study has been part of the First United Methodist Church of Gilbert for a long time, come and check us out!! We love to have new members be part of our exciting and rewarding bible study. It is never too late to come and join our group. This group of ladies represent all age levels and all different levels of bible knowledge, a great intergenerational bible study.
We meet every Tuesday Morning from 9:15-11:15am in room 130.
If you have children ages 8 years old and younger, bring them with you and you can utilize the nursery at no cost to you. There are always two trained adults in the nursery at all times so your child(ren) will be safe and you will have a wonderful time making new friends.
Set Apart a 6-week study of the Beatitudes

To register for childcare, please email Janelle Churicuzio.
For any questions, please email Sonja Ruhland, call or email the church office (480-892-9166)or use the following registration form:
We are a caring group of individuals who are mostly retired. All are welcome to bring a sack lunch and enjoy a great time of Christian Fellowship, laughter, singing and various speakers and monthly Birthday celebrations. Come and nurture your spirit with us every Wednesday from 12:15 – 1:30 pm in room 136.
The Christian Women’s Fellowship is an opportunity to meet and socialize with other women in a Christian atmosphere of sharing, caring and loving. This is a wonderful place to get acquainted. Our agenda includes sharing concerns, celebrations and having devotions. We support other Ministries with our projects in fund raising and participation in their activities and all women are WELCOME.
This group of ladies meet the first Thursday of each month at the Church in room 130. Check out the Calendar for more details.
For any questions, please email or call the church office (480-892-9166).