Dear Church Family,

Recently I have been made aware that someone is again using my name to solicit responses from our congregation. It asks you to reply to an email that looks like it came from me.

In fact, here is what is being sent out


Hi, how are you today?

Please let me know when you get this email,

I want to discuss something with you.

Grace and peace,

Pastor Rick


This is email is not from me and I ask that you do not reply. Rather send it directly to your trash bin. I am sorry we live in a time when it is so easy to be duped into helping when in actuality it is someone trying to steal your money. Trust me, when I ask you for money or gift cards it will be face to face.


Pastor Rick

If you have any questions or concerns about online safety, please contact the First Gilbert IT staff through the main office at 480-892-9166.

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