If there was a stage you’d probably prefer to skip, it would be this one. Isaiah seems at his grumpiest height. Sure, that’s the rep that prophets have. But it seems excessive here. Yet, as a crusader for justice, you have to ruffle a few feathers from time to time. To get something done, you need a “just saith the Lord” now and again. And Isaiah is ready to step up to the plate for this one. And we can’t wriggle out by saying he isn’t talking to us; he’s talking to the rulers; there’s a list of kings at the beginning of the book reminding us that Isaiah had staying power. He outlasted all of them. But when you get to the detail of the rant, he’s asking us to take a look at how we worship. No, it isn’t about worship styles, instrumentation, or screens. It’s about the heart. It’s about whether our words in worship match our words the rest of the week. Whether what we pray for is what we work for. Whether what we hope for is what we live for. This is a moment of worship for examining our hearts. What do the words we say, recite, repeat mean to us?