Turkey Drive
From 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM- Monday November 25th 12:00 pm
Turkey Drive
Monday November 25
12:00 pm
Get ready to bless our less fortunate neighbors with a box of “fixins” for a delicious Thanksgiving meal.
Imagine what your donation of $40.00 can do!
Imagine what your donation of $40.00 can do!
To donate online please click here and designate “Outreach Ministries/Missions” and note “Turkey Drive” in the box. To donate in person, please use the donation envelopes found in the pews or you may stop by the Missions Table on the patio.
To volunteer to deliver the boxes in the afternoon of Monday, November 25 or for any questions please stop by the missions table on the patio or email Chris Cantwell or contact the church office: 480-892-9166 or secretary@gilbertumc.org