Safe Sanctuary Training
From 1:30 AM to 3:30 AM- Tuesday February 4 6:30 pm
- Sunday February 9 12:30 pm
Safe Sanctuary Training
Tuesday February 4
6:30 pm
Room 142
6:30 pm
Room 142
Sunday February 9
12:30 pm
Room 142
12:30 pm
Room 142
This training is for church staff and volunteers. If you currently work with or are interested in working with the vulnerable populations of our church, please email Sylvia Harris to schedule attending one of these trainings. Per our church’s Safe Sanctuary policy, these trainings are required annuallly for all people working with children, youth, and care ministries.
Safe Sanctuaries® is a “social structure that is consistent with the gospel” (¶122) allowing our sanctuaries, classrooms, mission encounters, camps and retreats, and all spaces where we gather to worship and serve God to be places of trust. As you develop and update your resources for keeping our most vulnerable safe from sexual abuse, remember that these and additional resources are available through Discipleship Ministries of The United Methodist Church.
For more information or to sign up, please email Sylvia Harris or contact the church office: 480-892-9166 or