Sunday November 24
12:00 pm
Activity Center
Rev. N. Susan Brims, DS, presiding
Rev. N. Susan Brims, DS, invites the members and friends of The First United Methodist Church of Gilbert to a congregational meeting, which is a Church Conference, to be held on Sunday November 24 at Noon in the Activity Center. The purpose of this meeting is to vote on pastoral compensations and to engage in prayerful conversation about the identity of congregation. In this holy time between GC 2019 and GC 2020, we have the opportunity to remember who we are in Christ. We want to reflect deeply on our own identity; to consider who we are together, who we are in our community, and who we want to be beyond 2020 as a church community. We are invited to embrace a challenge — to enter into a holy conversation, and to prayerfully consider what might be said about the identity of this congregation. We enter this process with no hidden agenda, no coercion to think a certain way. This is not a time to choose a plan or join a movement. It is also not a time to run away from each other or avoid each other. It is a time to encourage one another in the faith as we face our future together.
Please pray the following daily, as we prepare for our Church Conference:
Creator of love and life, as we prepare for our Church Conference we pray to you for wisdom, for a listening heart, for the flourishing of Christ’s holy church in this place, for the increase in our love for others in the name of Christ, and for the light of Christ to shine brightly in this local community to folks who may never enter our doors. This I pray with a humble heart. Amen and amen.
Nursery care is available, staffed with professional care givers. The nursery is located in room 131 & 132. Please RSVP so we have an accurate child count.