Womens Bible Study

This Women’s Bible Study has been part of the First United Methodist Church of Gilbert for a long time, come and check us out!!  We love to have new members be part of our exciting and rewarding bible study.  It is never too late to come and join our group.  This group of ladies represent all age levels and all different levels of bible knowledge, a great inter generational bible study.

We meet every Tuesday Morning at 9:00 am in room 142.  The bible study ends at 11:00 am.

If you have children ages 8 years old and younger, bring them with you and you can utilize the nursery at no cost to you.  There are always two trained adults in the nursery at all times so your child(ren) will be safe and have a wonderful time making new friends.   Please email Katie Bouchie to register for childcare or for more information.

For any questions, please contact the church office, email Christy Robertson Yoder at or email Deanna Helland

To register for childcare, please email Katie BouchieT