Praise Band

From left: Tim Ryan, David Dustman, Jackson Van Der Pol, Singlia Kopp, Melissa Van Der Pol, Randy Van Der Pol, Dirk Smith, Nathan Van Der Pol and Anthony Airdo.
Worship Leader Randy Van Der Pol and the Praise Band leads the congregation on Sundays at our 9:30 am Contemporary Service. The Praise Band features regulars and guest singers and musicians.
A word from Randy Van Der Pol
Worship Leader
Q: How did you get involved in music?
I was very fortunate to grow up in a Christian home. My Mom played piano by ear, and I remember as a young child hearing her play hymns on the piano. I always felt that Music was the expression of the soul, and at a young age that was all I wanted to do. As I got older, I realized that there was nothing better than using the talents that God gave each and everyone of us for his glory and honor, which lead me into worship leading. It is very humbling that God has allowed me to be used in this way to help build his kingdom.

Randy leading worship
Q: Tell us about a significant moment in your journey to know Christ.
I gave my life to Christ at a Church camp when I was in the 8th grade. I remember it so vividly. I went down to the front and dropped to my knees and prayed to God. I felt the Holy Spirit’s power for the first time. It was overwhelming. I remember staying there for quite a while. I am certainly a “work in progress!” The one thing I do know is that the Holy Spirit has never, nor will ever, leave me.
Q: What role does music play in worship and enriching our relationship with Christ?
I feel music plays a very important role in worship. I know there are a lot of different styles of worship music: traditional, contemporary, modern, and many others. I don’t think God cares about what style of music we worship God with. I think what God really cares about is that we worship with an “Open Heart.”
Just as there are scriptures that come to mind when needed in difficult times of your life, praise songs and hymns can be used that way as well.
It can certainly lift up your soul! Have you noticed that it is really hard to be in a bad mood when you are singing worship songs to God?
For any questions or interest in sharing your talents, please email Randy Van Der Pol or contact the church office: 480-892-9166