• Purses for Moms

    Donations Due May 2nd The Missions Committee is collecting new or gently used purses filled with goodies this Mother’s Day to donate to moms in local domestic violence and family shelters. We will be working in conjunction with UMOM this year. Please bring all donations to the church office by

  • Sunday School Reopening Attendance Survey

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  • FUMCG Youth News

    Stay connected with the youth group and view upcoming events by signing up for their weekly newsletter. To signup for the youth eNews please email our youth director Shayla.

  • Easter Bag Project

    FUMC of Gilbert will be joining other organizations in the area to provide Easter bags to the children at UMOM. Currently there are over 300 children who call a UMOM facility their home. We are asking for monetary donations to provide items such as sidewalk chalk, markers, coloring books, pencils,