First Gilbert Covenant
Please review and complete the First Gilbert Covenant, which is intended for church members worshiping or visiting the campus in-person. Once signed, it covers all future events. A parent can sign once for an entire family. This covenant can be submitted in the following ways: 1) Worshipers attending a service
Christmas Eve Service Update
We are excited to announce we are planning two outside services for Christmas Eve! We look forward to providing a drive in and patio option. For the patio seating we ask that you BYO chair and setup with appropriate distancing. Both services will be before dark, but times are still
Senior Santa Deadline extended, Gifts of Hope names still available
The Senior Santa deadline was extended to Dec 11! Also, Gifts for Hope still has 15 names and the deadline is 12/11. Volunteers should not feel the need to purchase everything on the list. Thank you to all of those that have already donated to these wonderful missions, the recipients
Christmas Missions
The Missions Team is inviting you to provide gifts for our Christmas Campaigns! This holiday season our church is supporting 3 organizations: Senior Santa – Home Instead (Dec 3), gifts for foster children – Gifts of Hope (Dec 11), food and necessities – Family Promise (Dec 16). Click here for
Turkey Drive
Turkey Drive Deadline: Sunday, November 22 Donate here (Select Turkey Drive) – $40 to provide a full dinner Sign Up to deliver Gobble gobble! It is time for our annual Turkey Drive! A gift of just $40 will provide a family a turkey box with a turkey dinner, various sides,
2020 Advent Study
New Advent Study: Incarnation by Adam Hamilton Sign up today: Click Here! This class will be taught on Wednesdays nights at 6:30 starting on November 18th and ending December 16th. We will offer two classes, one online via Zoom and one in person (details to come). His parents gave him
Church Covenant
View or download the church covenant below.
2020 Desert Southwest Annual Conference Summary
Below is the letter to the congregation from the Lay Delegate to Annual Conference regarding the highlights from this year’s annual conference meeting.
Easter Letter 2020
Happy Easter First Gilbert UMC! The Sunday of all Sundays is upon us and I know is that this Sunday will be a blessing to you. In that context, it will be just as wonderful as Easter Sundays in the past. However, we also know that it will be unlike any other