• open bible

    Very truly, I tell you………………

    “Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and in fact will do greater works than these; because I am going to the Father.  I will do whatever you as in my name, so that the Father may be

  • Foundational Beliefs

    Foundational Beliefs Questionnaire If you did not have an opportunity to turn in the questionnaire found in the church bulletin on Sunday, August 25,  you may access it here  (you will need to print it and then fill it out) or pick up a copy in the church lobby or

  • open bible

    “In the name of Jesus, get behind me, Satan.”

        When we bring new persons into the church, or preside over the sacrament of baptism, we have adults answer this question: “Do you renounce the spiritual forces of wickedness, reject the evil powers of this world, and repent of your sin?” This question acknowledges the existence of forces

  • scouting - cub

    Cub Scout Pack 88

    Cub Scout Pack 88, sponsored by the 1st United Methodist of Gilbert, is looking for boys who are in the first, second, third, and fourth grades.  We have an exciting year-round program – lots of fun and educational year-round activities and a great school year planned. Questions?  Interested?  Come to

  • trees with sun

    “he saw the heavens torn apart and the…………

        The account of the baptism of Jesus in the Gospel according to Mark is amazing.  Mark writes that when Jesus came up out of the water  Spirit descending like a dove on him.” I think our eyes and minds most often light on and dwell upon the image

  • bottled water

    Bottled Water Drive

      The Missions Committee is collecting cases of bottled water for the Watkins Homeless Shelter during the month of August. You may place your donations by the Missions shelves in the activity center entryway on Sunday mornings or bring them to the church office   during the week.

  • Freely you have received, freely give…….

        I find myself sad to come to the end of the story of Jonah.  So few words; so many lessons — most of them not for children but for adults.  The portrait of Jonah pitchin g a fit is so poignant.  He didn’t want to go to Nineveh. 

  • Welcome Eric

    Welcome, Eric Everett and family!  The Staff Parish Relations Committee is delighted to welcome Eric Everett to our staff as Director of Children and Youth Ministries, effective August 12.  Eric will complete a certification in Youth Ministries at Perkins School of Theology in December.  He has extensive experience in both

  • Preschool Openings

    Good News! A couple of last minute openings in the 3’s and 4’s classes have become available!!  If you know someone who is looking for a loving, caring and Christian environment for their child to learn and grow, please call the Church Office at 480-892-9166.  Spread the word! Take a 

  • Christ’s Restoration- Our Challenge

      The story of the Prodigal Son is a story about the divine nature of God. The parable itself contains many characteristics of God, which He offers to all of us: grace, forgiveness, and an agape love. These sacrificial offerings then lead to personal renewal, transformation, and our own restoration into