Bake Sale and Afghan Raffle
Make sure you stop by the activity center between services for the bake sale and afghan raffle. The Christian Women’s Fellowship Group is in charge of this event and that means that the bake sale items will be worth the trip into the Activity center and the cost of the raffle ticket
Adopt 6 principles……..
The last two weeks we have been exploring the topic “Enough: Discovering Joy through Simplicity and Generosity.” We’ve looked at how the American Dream has shifted over the last several decades. It once was the dream of each generation to leave behind a better world and lifestyle for those that
Can you please help me get to church?
It may be hard for us to think that on Sunday mornings or Wednesday evenings, as we head out to church for worship, Bible studies, Wednesday night dinner or other activities, that there are members of our church community who do not have a way to get to church. Some
Helping others with a meal……..
Through Food Tidings, our church provides meals to those in our congregation experiencing an illness, death, unexpected crisis or the birth of a new baby. Food Tidings is an online program which allows us to schedule meals for families in need, listing which days meals are needed, food allergies, etc. If
Chat &Chew
On Wednesday November 6, Elaine Miller will talk to the Chat & Chew lunch group about Obama Care. Elaine will present an overview of Obama Care, the pros and cons of its efficacy and who it will affect. This event is open to any who would like to learn more
Living Like Jesus
Over the last several weeks we have explored practices and principles of daily life that make it possible for the kingdom of God to become more real and visible in our lives, as it was real and visible in Jesus’ life. We’ve talked about how citizens of that kingdom need
“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Jesus said, in several settings that this was the second most important commandment, after loving God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. A lawyer who had come to test Jesus asked him, “Who is my neighbor?” He was hoping for an answer that would limit his liability; that
We love because he first loved us.
In response to a question about which commandment was greatest, Jesus responded, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment.” (Mt 22:37) But how do we, who are so weak,
What does the kingdom cost??
Sunday we completed a four week message series on the Kingdom of God, as we talked together about the cost. For the rich man, who had a heart for God and a fervent desire for eternal, abundant life, the cost was his “stuff” and his money. Jesus did not judge
Church Orchestra
After several years of pre-planning, the time has come to form an instrumental ensemble. There are MANY people in the church who have experience playing wind, brass, percussion, and string instruments and plan to give them an opportunity to use their gifts. The initial plan is to meet