Church Conference

On October 4th at 6:30 pm we will be having our 2021 Church Conference in the sanctuary. This is the yearly all church meeting where the members of the church gather to vote on the matters of the church such as receiving reports from the trustees and finance, clergy compensation,

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Trunk or Treat

Trunk or Treat is back! Join us for a safe event that is fun for the whole family! Please print out the graphic below to invite your neighbors and friends – this is a safe way to enjoy Halloween, and everyone is welcome. Give out candy from your car! We

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Fall Kickoff August 29

We are having a Fall Kick-off next Sunday August 29 after services. Think of this as a big church party! We will celebrate the pledge campaign, new fall classes, the ministries of the church, Sunday school, volunteer opportunities and #Reconnect with each other. Mark your calendars!

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