• PonderosaCampSite

    Spring Camping Trip

                All Church Spring Camping Trip will be April 19-21st at the Ponderosa Campground, north of Payson.  Campsites will be available for tent camping as well as campers and trailers.  The cost for the tent sites will be about $25, with the camper and trailer

  • Blood services

    Blood Drive

        First United Methodist Church of Gilbert will be holding their next blood drive on Sunday, June 9, in the Activity Center, from 7:00-11:00am To sign up, please visit United Blood Services and use the sponsor code:  FirstUMC, or contact Chris Thompson at 480-892-5640 Donate blood with United Blood Services in

  • forgiveness

    What gets in the way of forgiveness???

    I hope you have joined us the last two Sundays for reflections on Forgiveness, which is one of the most central aspects of our faith life.  We are those who are forgiven by God; and we are meant to forgive others as we have been forgiven. We’ve looked at a

  • forgiveness

    Reflecting deeply about forgiveness

    As we begin a new year together we will be reflecting deeply about forgiveness. The starting point on Sunday:  understanding ourselves as forgiven people who are called to forgive others.  We thought together about how excessive feelings of guilt and shame can get in the way of experiencing God’s forgiveness,

  • manger

    Spend a little time at the Manger……….

    Just one more week to go before we gather to celebrate the birth of Jesus — and that means that many of us have kicked it into high gear.  I know at my house the desire for a rest yesterday gave way to the compulsion to get a little “pre-cooking”

  • mary and joseph

    Getting to know Joseph

    Last Sunday we talked about Joseph, who was engaged to be married to Mary, and how hard it must have been for him to hear that she was pregnant with a child that was not his.  We thought together about how difficult it must have been to decide to marry

  • praying hands

    Prayers for Sandy Hook Elementary School Victims and Families

    Words of faith from United Methodist Bishop Bob Hoshibata. Deep sorrow and grief envelop the nation at the tragic shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.  I hope that every congregation of United Methodists will pray on Sunday, and that each of us will lift up in

  • mingus mountain winter camp

    Youth Winter Camp

    The Desert Southwest Conference Winter Camp for youth currently in grades 7th-12th will be at Mingus Mountain Methodist Church Camp, north of Prescott Valley, on January 19-21, 2013.  Come for a time of snow play, music, worship, the opportunity to make new friends and wintry fun!  The cost of $150

  • safe sanctuary

    Upcoming Safe Sanctuary Training

    Safe Sanctuary Training is required for all individuals who volunteer with the children or youth of First United Methodist Church of Gilbert. If you have not attended a training and are working with this group, please plan on attending one of two trainings that will be offered. Saturday, December 15

  • wednesday

    Wednesday Night Programs

    Wednesday Night dinner and programs will take a short break for the Christmas Holiday and will resume back up on Wednesday January 9.  Keep an eye on the Sunday Worship Bulletin for more details.