Holy Week and Easter 2018
Holy Week & Easter 2018 Palm Sunday March 25, 2018 8, 9:30 and 11am A Palm Procession in each service. Maundy Thursday March 29, 2018 7pm Good Friday March 30, 2018 7pm Easter Sunday April 1, 2018 6, 8, 9:30 and 11am
United Methodists Respond to Nepal Quake
The General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church, through its disaster-relief arm and in conjunction with longtime local and international partners and Nepal-based Global Ministries missionaries, is responding to the devastating earthquake that rocked Nepal April 25. A grant of $90,000 for international partner GlobalMedic to bring sorely needed clean water to
Book Club
ALL ARE INVITED We meet the 4th Thursday of every month at 11:30am at the home of June Morrison. Bring a lunch to enjoy while discussing the current book. Please email Molly with any questions or for more information.
Santa’s Tree
REMEMBER – if you picked up a tag off the Santa Gift tree, please have your WRAPPED gift back to the Mission Table by: Make sure your gift has the name of the recipient on it. If you choose a child: Due date is December 14
Gilbert Days Parade
The Preschool and church will have a float in the Parade!!! Here’s how you can join in the fun. November 2 – If you would like to walk in the parade with the float, you NEED to email Lara Fink by this date to order your t-shirt ($10). There is
Family Promise
First United Methodist Church of Gilbert will be hosting Family Promise from November 9-16, 2014 If you would like to participate in this event, please email Lisa Kimbrough or email Robin Lee. Help is needed to cook an evening meal, stay overnight, provide food for the breakfasts and lunch.
The Unstoppable Christ
Doubt is a part of our faith journey. At some point in our lives, our faith has been or will be tested. If you have a personal and meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ, at some point you will look to the heavens and say, “Why, why Lord? Why is this
Blessing Bags
This is one way to help those in need. They consist of a small Bible, water bottle, granola bar and wet wipes, along with an Arizona Resource Guide for shelters, assistance and crisis transportation. It’s helpful to keep one handy in your glove box for those times when you