Back to School Drive
With your generosity, last year First United Methodist Church of Gilbert was able to provide Gilbert Elementary School with 60 backpacks, 60 trapper keepers, and some much-needed supplies. We hope that we can once again help out the children attending Gilbert Elementary by providing them with the tools they need
Family Promise June 20-27, 2021
Hooray! We get to host families again at FUMCG!!!!! We will need a lot of help to ensure that these dear families are taken care of, so please help in any and all ways that you can. We will need people to help get our rooms ready before they arrive,
Safe Sanctuary Training June 2021
Safe sanctuaries training is coming up for the year. All volunteers who work with vulnerable populations need to take this training yearly. We have the following dates set for training, if you volunteer please find a date that works best for you. We also have a zoom option this year.
COVID Guidelines Update – May 21, 2021
In the light of recent CDC, State, Local and Conference recommendations, Pastor Rick in concert with the Reopening Team is changing the First UMC Gilbert COVID guidelines and requirements as they apply to worship. Effective immediately: • Registering for worship is no longer required • For those fully vaccinated: mask
Calling all 2021 Graduates!
We’d like to recognize all of our high school and beyond graduates! Please email the student’s full name, school, degree, plans for post grad (ie: college at xxx school) and best contact info (Parent name, email, phone, address), along with a photo of the graduate to youthministry@gilbertumc.org by Fri May
Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Photos
Help FUMCG celebrate these holidays by sharing pictures of the mother/father figures in your life. Send all pictures to youthministry@gilbertumc.org and please label with family name and identify if we should use for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, or both.
Vacation Bible School
July 12-16 • 9 am – 12 pm Children ages 3 and potty trained through 6th grade • Youth and adults are welcome as volunteers $30 per child/$75 Family Max through May 31 $35 per child/$75 Family Max starting June 1
Gilbert Elementary Snack Donation Drive
The Missions Committee has an ongoing snack donation collection for Gilbert Elementary School. They are looking for some right now to finish out the school year. Click here to see a list of needs.
FirstKidz Covid-19 Health Guidelines
Our Volunteers and staff will conduct a health check as children enter the Nursery/Classroom. If following Covid-19 like symptoms are present a parent will be notified to immediately pick up the child(ren) from the Nursery/Classroom. • Fever, feeling hot, or feverish • Shortness of breath of difficulty breathing • Fatigue