Our Nursery – Caring For God’s Precious Gifts
The First United Methodist Church of Gilbert welcomes you and your children to our Nursery Ministries. We continually strive to provide a safe and loving Christian environment for the youngest members of our church Family. We would encourage you to participate in the multitude of worship and Christian education opportunities here at our church while your child is in our care. Your child is very important to us and we want his/her time with us to be enjoyable and rewarding. We encourage you to read through this information so that you will be comfortable in knowing what you child is doing during their time with us.
“You shall teach these words to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house; when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.” Deuteronomy 11:19
Sunday mornings:
The 8:00 service time is for infants and toddlers, 6 weeks – 6 years of age. Children 3 years and younger are welcome during the 9:30 service. During the time your child is in the nursery they will be introduced to the Orange Curriculum that is used at all age levels here at First United Methodist Church of Gilbert.
All equipment, toys and visual materials in this room are designed with these children in mind. A changing table is available and is cleaned after each use. There are age-appropriate toys and other manipulatives in this room. This room has a private rest room sized perfectly for young children. Please notify our nursery workers if you are potty training your child.
First Time Visitors
The first time your child is placed into the nursery, you will be asked to fill out an information card to give the nursery workers some background information on your child which will aid them in ministering to him or her. This information card will be kept on file in the nursery for future reference.
Our Nursery program is a wonderful way to introduce and prepare your child for Sunday School. We use the Orange Curriculum available to us and incorporate it into the time we have with your child. This is an age appropriate curriculum with a weekly Bible-based story and fun, easy projects. We will also be singing bible songs, arts projects, coloring, reading Bible Stories along with structured play time and snack.
Childcare is provided in our nurseries beginning 15 minutes prior to Sunday Church Service and other scheduled events that have scheduled childcare. We ask that you show your love for your child by promptly checking him/her up immediately after the close of service/meeting.
- To ensure the safety of your child, we ask that children should be brought to the nursery and signed in and out by you, the parent/guardian.
- To enhance the safety and welfare of the children, we request that you wait at the counter and allow us to bring your child to you.
- Please have your child’s belongings properly labeled:
What to bring
Please label all items
- Infant items as needed by your child: Diaper bags, bottles, pacifiers, drinking cups, blankets.
- A change of clothes in case of spills or soils is greatly appreciated.
- Please do not bring in toys from home. The nursery has plenty of toys for all ages.
Food Allergies
If your child has any food allergies this should be noted on both the nursery registration card and the sign in sheet each time your child is brought to the nursery.
We are concerned for the safety and health of every child and we do our very best to provide a clean and germ-free environment for all children. If your child has been exposed to an illness, please use your judgment in determining whether your child’s illness can be contagious to other children. If you have questions on whether or not you should bring your child into the nursery, please contact the nursery coordinator.
But Jesus called for them, saying “Permit the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. ~Luke 18:16