Daily Reading…….

bible 2

bible 2



I was amazed to discover that out of 200 Life Journals ordered and put out on Sunday, just 5 remained at the end of the day.  That means that 195 persons out there have a whole new tool to help you draw closer to the only One that matters – the One whose goodness and grace and mercy and possibility and hope and yes, judgement are revealed in the pages of the Bible.  (Actually, a few more than that, since we already have two groups running and a number of others had received journals before).

I hope by now you have opened the journal and read through the directions, found the Bible reading plan, and begun your discipline of daily reading of scripture.  On Sunday, I found myself captured by the story of Bartimaeus in Mark 10.  His life must have been full of misery: sitting by the roadside begging everyday, dependent of the grace of others to let him know when his hair needed combing or when his clothes were dirty.  When Jesus asked him what he wanted, his response bubbled up from deep within:  “Rabbi, I want to SEE!”
Bartimaeus got his wish.  Jesus simply pronounced the word that the man’s faith had made him well, and he regained his sight.I found myself resonating with those words.  I, too, want to SEE!  I want to SEE through to the truth.  I want to SEE what God is doing in and among and within and through us.  I want to SEE what God wants us to do together.  I want to SEE the path God has for me and for us more clearly.

So I prayed for more faith, and more courage, and more boldness to stand before the Master and say with such clarity, “I want to SEE!”  Expectantly.  Openly.  Ready for a miracle at any moment.

How about you?

If you missed getting a journal and want one, I have about 25 more that will be out Sunday and will be glad to order more, or you can go online to www.lifejournal.cc  There you will find the versions of the journal that I ordered, plus a “shorter reading” version, plus versions for children (really short, block print, wonderful!) and youth (a little

more contemporary look and shorter readings).  There is also a place you can click to have the scriptures for the day read to you.

And if you have questions or want to talk about it, join us Wednesdays at 5:00pm in the library (room 306) or Thursdays at 2:30pm in room 212.

Are you getting the picture?  Being a follower of Jesus means we pray at least daily, and read the Bible daily, and worship weekly.  Don’t miss the next two weeks.  Let’s talk about the disciplines of service and generosity.

See you Sunday at the praying/reading/worship place.

And if you serve on any ministry or administrative team in any position, join us Saturday for the leadership retreat from 9-12 in the activity center.  We have much to consider.  It won’t be the same if you aren’t there.


Pastor Deborah

Book your tickets